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Even if disc-based games offer the option to connect to a computer via USB, some will miss the experience of an optical drive and its features. As external optical drives have become more and more compact, that gap is being filled with the No-CD crack. No-CD cracks sit alongside, and even compete for the role of, the arcade machine in your living room.
You've probably heard of the old tricks, where people bought a legit CD and used a flash drive for No-CD cracks. But we've yet to see a hardware-based No-CD crack device that actually works. Now, one of those crack-dongleware sites (https://nocdhack.net/) has created a USB port-equipped box that lets you play games without an optical drive.
This is probably in no way an endorsement of an approach, but of course the ability to install games without an optical drive is both a blessing and a curse. While you may not have to carry around an optical drive for games you own, it has ended up removing the physical media, the experience of reading a book, or a piece of art. If you want to enjoy a game from disc, you'll need a physical copy you can use, rather than relying on a crack to act as a reset button.
But if you are nostalgic for the days of the optical drive, or perhaps just want to play older games that aren't available on modern systems at all, this hack is still available. Unfortunately, higher-end games don't tend to work on low-end hardware/ROMs at all. While there are other hints to guide you to some NES games, this isn't always a viable option.
For those that want to hack, there are No-CD patches aplenty. However, these can be hit-and-miss. When you strip a game of what makes it a game, you risk losing the cultural and social value of it and the people that may want to play it. d2c66b5586