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Q: Source code of a Python module on GitHub I want to make the source code of a Python module on GitHub in order to: Give to other with whom I collaborate a link, so they can view the source. Find potential bugs in my code. Find potential conflicts with other modules in the standard library if there are. When I downloaded the module I realized that the source code is not in a real structured form: - folder (only a folder with my project name) - - some other files - index.rst In particular I have to find internal entry points of the module. A: The best place where you could find the sources of PyPI packages is PyPi, the package index. Read the docs and you will see what you need. If you need a more complete solution (which is usually used when working on closed source packages) you should use Git, which will allow you to maintain your code in a more organized way: each repository may have its own branch that you will create before working on it, each branch could have it's own (maintained) documentation, its own code (the real package) and it's own tests. You will then clone this branch as your starting point when working on it. You won't loose the history, you will keep track of your changes, you won't loose your code, because it's still your local copy, you will loose it only if you accidentally commit something that you don't want to be public. quit us. Read the letter, and we shall be grateful to all of you." Carolyn P. announced several months ago that she would not be participating in the New Text Project, and has met and corresponded with the other members of that committee and her wife. Alonna D. from South Carolina and her husband, Al, have written to the New Text Committee to express their troubled relationship with the town of Barnwell County and their alma mater, Salisbury University. "We understand that you receive a good amount of information about the town of Salisbury and the University from people who have negative feelings of things to say. We certainly believe that those people have no business mailing you information or otherwise coming to your attention we writers find it nerve racking and very difficult on an emotional level that these things be disseminated," Alonna wrote. d2c66b5586