CDPSnarf ? CDP Packet Sniffer
hping3 is a network tool able to send custom TCP/IP packets and to display target replies like ping program does with ICMP replies. hping3 handle fragmentation, arbitrary packets body and size and can be used in order to transfer files encapsulated under supported protocols.Using hping3 you are able to perform at least the following stuff:
The first step is to pick the right network interface and to set that interface in promiscuous mode. This means that the interface device will grab all traffic not just the traffic heading from the local device. In a real-world network you may need to use Cain and Able and apply ARP poisoning against the local switch to ensure that all packets are routed through your sniffer. Obviously this is not a legal thing to do on someone else's network.
In the diagram above select your interface, select promiscuous mode, and press start. The results were rather disturbing as the packet tracer clearly shows the username and password being passed to the device using an HTTP POST with URL Encoding. What that means for you in laments terms is that when I performing a GET request against the devices URL the web server provides me with the web page. 2b1af7f3a8