Hindi Movie The Lunch Box English Subtitles
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A rare strategy is to make English or English with subtitles movies, to reach foreign markets. This is also most common for the Hindi movies, as they are made and distributed in India. These movies are usually less well-known, but achieve great critical success in the North American markets & are critically acclaimed.
Apart from the few English & Hindi movies which have been commercially successful in North America, most new Indian movies have their own unique marketing & distribution strategy which makes them reach the foreign markets, but often limited to India, and a few to the US markets.
The easiest and perhaps the most common distribution strategy is that of the Bollywood movie, which is usually a comedy, a well-known script with a high budget and known stars. These movies can be shot in any language and generally carry subtitles if the director wants to reach the foreign markets.
The other, much more common strategy, is that of the independent Hindi movie, with minimal budget, multiple languages, and a mainly unknown script, shot in India or in India in some cases, that are unable to reach the foreign markets, and thus often returning with a loss.
These movies are far more common and, although less well-known than the Bollywood movies, are critically appreciated in India, often even more than the Bollywood movies. These movies are usually made for an Indian audience, in a language that is liked by the Indian audiences, but mostly unknown to the foreign markets.
India's individual cinema has a strong following, and there are many artistic and political movies being made in India. However, these movies are not commercial successes in the foreign markets.
We have an international record label and our releases in India and abroad are a mix of Indian and non-Indian music, and they are continuously growing in the last decade. We have produced some of the biggest Hindi hits and some of the most listened Indian songs.
There are a lot of movies about India that look like they were made in India or by Indian American cast and crew that shows the history of the country, but none of them are big enough to warrant an IMDB listing like the Lord of the Rings movies and Harry Potter series, which are the two other English-language movies that come to mind.
And when Indian Americans are asked what they like about their country of origin, one of the first things they mention is that there are never any celebrity-type movies about India.
While such incidents are perhaps too few to justify suspicion of a Communist conspiracy as a whole, they do reveal at least one of the methods by which Communist parties operate in the sense implied by the term coined in this article. 827ec27edc