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Microsoft was founded in 1975 and has an incredible legacy of software that permeatesevery nook and cranny of computing. As you can imagine for a company over forty years old,they've moved on from a lot of things when they saw better opportunities. As they say, innovation doesn'talways follow a straight line.What follows is a nostalgic graveyard of sorts. This is a list of all the software, hardware, andservices we could find thatMicrosoft sunset at some point,without producing direct descendant follow-on versions that were a straightforward replacementfor the end-user.Many of these are remembered with fond memories!Some of these products were simply shut downand never heard from again.Some were were deprecated and had various features moved into adjacentsoftware platforms, leaving the old software to become obsolete and eventually unsupported.The products are broken out into specific categories, sorted by year of discontinuation.A lot of research went into creating this catalog, but as you can imagine,information can be hard to find about many of Microsoft's early applications -- especially thosefrom the 1970s and 1980s.Please contact us if you havemore items to add to the list, or discover inaccuracies. Thanks!This page is a work in progress and more products are being added constantly aswe work through our backlog of research and notes.Total: 346 Microsoft products shut down.Last updated December 17, 2019. 7211a4ac4a