Neighbours From Hell 5 English Patch
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Philostrate tries to convince Theseus that, though the play is ten words long, it's played so badly that it's ten words too much. The language is stupid, the actors are terrible, and worse, the tragic parts bring tears all right, but more from laughter than from sorrow.
This is a fan made NES emulator for Pokemon Red. I haven't tested this yet, but the source-code is below. Basically it goes through the in-game code and translates it into the C# language. Other emulators have something similar, but this one is the only I know where the Pokemon sprites cannot be rotated by 90 degrees on their Y-axis (and it's a minor thing, don't hurt me).
With the maps on this page you can recreate some of the areas. It's best to use the pattern editor which is included, but you can also go into a level editor and look for tile sets and such. I don't promise that it's correct, but I have tried to keep it documented for people who want to share it. Perhaps there are other versions around, I haven't found anything (aside from the official ones which are too rare to bother really). d2c66b5586