PUBG Mobile Highly Compressed Game ~REPACK~
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Ranging from various maps to modes, there's a lot to discover in the game. PUBG Mobile has millions of active players and recently the game has surpassed 500 million downloads on the Google Playstore.
Thus we have come up with a solution by which players would be able to download a highly compressed file of PUBG Mobile. The files are compressed to a size of 49 MB which would save precious data for players who do not have an unlimited data plan.
As mentioned earlier, the download size of the said file is around 49 MB. However, it's important to note that the game would occupy around 2 GB of storage space after extracting and installing the highly compressed OBB file.
Pubg Mobile 0.19.0 Highly Compressed Obb File and Apk 50 Mb: Hi, friends in this article we will provide the information about how to download a Pubg Mobile Highly compressed file in 50 MB and install it on an android phone without any error. We gave the latest pubg mobile 0.19.0 Highly compressed file. In that file, you would get an apk and obb file. This will work 100 percent.
Pubg mobile recently launched this new update of Pubmobile 0.19.0. If you download this file from google play store you will consume more data. But we will provide the pubg files in less than 50mb size. It has a lot of features in this Updated version in pubg. There are new maps and guns are available.
This game is not only for children also for all ages now. But nowadays there is a problem with downloading this game. It consumes more data for downloading this game. Due to its large size, many of the people are unable to download and install this app. Pubg mobile brings the updates from time to time.
After downloading the file complete the procedure below we gave below. Open the app and log in to pubg mobile with Facebook or Gmail. Now if you require any update from pubg mobile you will get notified very easily on the screen. You have to update the pug if it requires it.Now add your friends too through request or Id.
The highly compressed version of PUBG mobile 1.1.0 comes with a high quality graphics powered by a good gaming engine know as unreal engine 4 which in turn runs smoothly on your device without errors.
Just download the apk and the compressed obb files above and follow the instructions on how to install above, any other files you are to download in the game are just minor weekly updates and sanhok, vikendi maps etc.. which are optional.
The game, that changed the mobile gaming, is back with a brand new version and with lots of great features and improvements. The game has everything, be it in graphics, or gameplay, the quality is top-notch. 2b1af7f3a8