Renewable Energy Sources By Kothari Pdf Free __LINK__
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Figure 1 shows the renewable energy sources available in Saudi Arabia. These renewable energy sources include the wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal resources. The most important renewable energy sources in Saudi Arabia are wind and solar resources [56].
The most common and reliable way of exploring renewable energy is by using wind and solar power sources [78]. Wind and solar are the most investigated and well-known renewable energy sources in Saudi Arabia. They have been used to meet the needs of electricity production. These sources are defined as abundant sources of renewable energy that are abundant in Saudi Arabia and that can be classified as intermittent [56].
There is a large amount of energy available from renewable energy sources. The wide and highly developed geographical locations in Saudi Arabia offer a massive supply of power from renewable sources. The implementation of DES system has been widely discussed in different studies. The authors of this study have also studied the DES systems. The concept of DES systems is considered one of the leading energy-saving technologies. The main idea behind DES systems is to store energy or electricity in a separate physical location [73, 74].
The other known and well-known energy storage technologies are supercapacitors and flywheels. The main characteristics of these energy storage devices are that they are inexpensive, flexible, and simple [77].
The best-known and most frequently used energy storage technologies are based on batteries [75]. Batteries are considered as one of the most energy-efficient storage devices. However, their high prices and high maintenance costs are significant limitations. Therefore, the advantage and disadvantages of batteries have to be considered carefully in order to select their appropriate usage [76].
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