Skyrim Ebony Mail Effect Mod
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You can wear the Ebony Mail while fighting and it does not activate the poison cloak effect. While wearing it, your stamina will recover at a reduced rate. You can change your current armor with the ebony ingot.
Wearing the Ebony Mail while sneaking will cause the poison cloak effect to activate, giving you a black and green appearance. While activated, you have a 20% chance to stun nearby enemies and 5% chance to cause them to fall asleep. You will also have a 5% chance to cause nearby enemies to run away.
Boethiah's Calling is one of five new main quest lines beginning in game with the release of the special edition of Skyrim. You can complete this quest by speaking to the Daedric Prince Boethiah, who is perched atop a Daedric altar near Riverwood.
If the Ebony Mail is equipped when you receive the Ebony Mail set, the muffle cloak enchantment will be activated and the armor will have a black-and-green-coloured smoke effect. To remove this effect, you need to unequip the Ebony Mail and re-equip it.
After upgrading the set, any more items can be put into the Ebony Mail set and the effect will activate and the armour will retain a black-and-green-coloured smoke effect. The set will cost more to upgrade as well.
The Ebony Mail is a very useful piece of armour as it has a muffle effect, increasing the wearer's evasion chance, making them a better combatant in general, but it is not without its drawbacks. The armor does not offer any protection against physical attacks and it is very easy to stab through with a sword. In addition, even though the poison cloak is active, it is possible to use it to escape combat situations.
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