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The prosecution brought only four torrent files with them in the case, the ones for The Dark Knight, Blades of Glory, The Social Network and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. They chose to focus their case on the man accused of uploading the content to The Pirate Bay, Fredrik Neij, by presenting evidence that he was responsible for uploading the files. They failed to present any evidence of the files being uploaded by the other three accused, and the defense tried to raise doubt as to whether or not the torrent files were actually uploaded by the site's users. The defense also produced evidence that the file sharing protocol BitTorrent is not the default means of sharing files, and that even if a torrent file containing copyrighted material was uploaded to the site, it would not necessarily result in the transmission of that file to the site's users. If you have come across any torrent file containing copyrighted material, please let us know about it so that we can further investigate.
On the other hand, the defense asserts that the service provided by The Pirate Bay is only a search engine with no other content than the links it provides to the public. Moreover, the prosecutors have failed to establish that the site's users have any intention of illegally obtaining content, arguing that the website has no control over the torrents it indexes, and that there is no way to verify that the files provided by the user are indeed copyrighted.
An introduction to control systems and how to design them. The course emphasizes the practical aspects of control engineering and the engineering design process including state space representation, system theory, control theory, and the mathematical analysis of control system. This course is about the theory of control systems and control theory. The intended audience is engineers and scientists who design and analyze control systems. These systems include automobile, robotic, and a variety of electronic, mechanical, and optical systems and instruments. If you want to learn to design control systems, consider picking up a copy today!
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