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Two-thousand seven-hundred and seventy one arrests were made in the sixstudy cities during the period of 1988-1994. However, the useof cocaine and heroin among DUF arrestees from these cities arenot representative because the DUF program's sampling frame omitsmost of the people most likely to use illegal drugs and because itapplies in cities that have a relatively high level of drug usethey are not necessarily representative of the entire country. To mitigate bias due to sampling error and to provide a more accurate picture ofthe actual use of these drugs and its potential consequences,we compared the DUF data with law enforcement data from theDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA), which includesthe data on arrests for drug-related offenses that were brought beforecourt in 1994. Over one-fourth of the DUF drug arrests (n=483)were compared to the data from the DEA on 92,606 arrested drugusers who were charged with drug-related offenses in 1994. These arresteeshad committed an average of 4.35 drug violations within the past 12months of the year they were arrested and had a profit potential of $1,303, placing these users on the most expensive side of the spectrum of the drug market. Basedon within-city and between-city drug use patterns, theseusers came from extreme economic classes. The DUF arrestees fromthe six cities were also compared with the DEA's data from 1997 whenthe DUF project was complete. Unfortunately, the sample was undersampled. The arrestees in the DUF data from cities, otherthan Washington, DC, varied considerably from the numbers reported bythe DEA and are generally representative of the states, even thoughthe sampling scheme did not stratify by state or region. In thefirst file of the DUF data, there were 6,578 arrests (2,988 men,3,590 women) and 1,832 arrestees in labor force (4,030 men, 1,802women). There are 2,765 drug arrests (1,444 men, 1,311 women) inthe second file. The sample sizes were larger than in the first datatype for some drugs, and the numbers were slightly morerepresentative of the nation's drug markets. However, most of thedrugs that DUF arrestees reported using remained the same. Crack Coundrops to cocaine than that reported by theDEA and DUF arrestees. d2c66b5586