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These free cover templates provide a standard cover slide, with scope for converting these slide decks into a comprehensive template for making entire presentations. The light color tones in these PPT templates provide a calming visual effect, which can help leave a positive impact on your audience.
This section contains Medical Templates for PowerPoint and was specially designed for Healthcare, doctors and medical professionals who often need to create powerful presentations for Hospitals or University. Free Medical PowerPoint templates under this section are all focused on medical needs, including diseases, medical symbols, and specific medical terms and concepts. New medical slides and backgrounds are published periodically in our collection of free PowerPoint templates.
Using this template will save you the stress of designing a PowerPoint slide from scratch, which can be tiring. All you need to do is to download our pre-designed and edit it to suit your preferences.
With the free license you can also download the 30 free trial version of Prezi Desktop, which means you can edit your presentation offline without internet and also export your presentation for example onto a USB stick. (all this can also be done with the online editor version). Interested in the old free & reusable Prezi Classic templates that come with Prezi online editor? View a full list of all Free Prezi Templates published by Prezi.com developers.
Pngtree offers HD ppt background images for free download. Download these ppt background or photos and you can use them for many purposes, such as banner, wallpaper, poster background as well as powerpoint background and website background.
Pngtree offers more than 844 HD ppt background images for free download. Download these ppt background or photos and you can use them for many purposes, such as banner, wallpaper, poster background as well as powerpoint background and website background.
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